Why Should You Rotate Your Mattress?

Earlier, your grandparents flipped their mattresses, but many things have changed since then. So, is it also required to flip your modern mattress? Instead of flipping the mattress, the sleep experts from Best Matt Firm Overland Park KS recommend rotating the mattress to enhance its lifespan instead of flipping it. If you want to get the best out of your bed, rotating your mattress is necessary. Let's check how it should be done!

How & Why Should You Rotate The Mattress?

Flipping the mattress results in sleeping on the base, but it isn't designed to optimize sleep based on your needs. It doesn't help to improve your sleeping experience. 

Rotating the mattress helps you to use the entire surface rather than a few spots! While rotating the mattress, experts recommend putting socks on and gently walking around on the mattress end. Since the corner areas of the mattress don't support much weight, walking on it will help add pressure to the mattress so that it can break evenly from all sides. If you have a king-size bed, you can rotate the mattress from the New Mattress Store Near Me, Leawood, KS, to 90 degrees. 

Now the question is, how often should I rotate this? So, as per the experts of the mattress store near me, Shawnee, KS, in the first few years of ownership, it should be rotated once per quarter. Rotating the mattress will make the most of the layers supportive and comfortable. After this, you can rotate the mattress twice a year.

However, all mattresses have a lifespan. The average number of mattresses lasts from 7 to 10 years. So, if you feel the mattress is no longer comfortable or saggy, it's time to upgrade it without thinking twice.


Finding a mattress that offers good support & years of comfort is possible, but maintaining them, in the same way, is crucial. Rotating the mattress every 3 to 6 months is necessary to keep it in great condition. This is why it is necessary to rotate the mattress so that each side can be equally distributed.


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